Marlon Sanders
Helotes, TX
1:52 pm 4/18/2024
A Letter To You -- The Proud Owner of Push Button Views -- In Which I Review What To Do Next With Push Button Views and How to Get Results The Fastest. And We Look At What Your Next Step Might Be
Marlon here.
Congratulations on getting Push Button Views.
I want you to know a couple things:
1. I know you may have been a little skeptical. Or wondered if this method really works. OR wondered if it can work for you.
It works. And it can work for you.
2. I didn't just pull this product out of the air. It's extremely thoroughly researched and vetted through my own testing.
3. If you need and want opt ins to build your list, then Youtube can help you.
If you haven't logged into the member's area yet, go here:
Your email is your user name. The password was set by you. If you have any problems logging in, just ask for help here.
First of all, let me show you where your bonuses are.
I added an entry to your side menu that says Push Button Bonuses. But there's also a big green rectangle that leads that them on Button #1 of the product:

So that takes care of the bonuses.
Now, let's talk about how YOU get views, opt ins and sales as fast as possible.
Are You Wondering Where To Start?
It's simple.
Click on button #1. Follow the steps to pick the topic you want to develop "topical authority" on. This is explained step-by-step in button one.
Click on button #2. This will show you how to create thumbnails and titles that get the clicks.
Here's an example of a recent one:

If I recall on that one I tried to create several thumbnails that beat it on an instant split test the way I teach in button 2. But I couldn't beat it after 3 tries. So I left it.
As you can see it got almost 16,000 impressions. It had 55 HOURS of watch time. If that was your video, it would mean people spent 55 hours listening to your ideas. Do you think you'd get some opt ins, fans and customers from that?
You bet.
I'm still learning. That video was made as a recording and uploaded to the videos tab. These videos have the potential to get a lot more views than your live streams. I believe Youtube sees live streams as having a shorter time value.
There are no excuses to make concerning your looks. I'm over age 65. I have a tooth that's noticeable because it's a baby tooth. The permanent tooth somehow is in the roof of my mouth. lol. For looks sake, I need to have an implant there. OUCH!
So for now, I'm leaving it. I barely made it through a root canal.
OK enough of that. You got no excuses.
Now, there's a link in Button 2 to the bonus product I created for you called "The 3 Minute Treatment." The 3 minute treatment works and is freaking cool. Here's a before and after.
What's funny is in this one, it actually didn't work. My treatment failed and only got .67% clicks compared to the before. That HAPPENS sometimes! But usually, I get a nice increase.

Moving On To Button #3
Button 3 is all about keeping people watching your video or what is called retention.
I explain all about the 1 minute goal in button 3 and this is extremely important.
Make an outline and zip through it. Visuals like mindmaps and flowcharts can be useful. You flip back and forth from your mug to the visual.
I use a tool to do that. It's explained in the product. But you can do it real easy using OBS software, Streamyard or probably other things. OBS is free. It's a bit of a learning curve to set up. But after that, you're home free. Youtube is your friend.
Where To Go From Here?
1. If you don't have a freebie and email capture page, you need one.
Hop to. It only takes 15 to 30 minutes for the email capture page. And you need to create a freebie. That's all explained in Fast Start System. But I plan to do a brand new version of Produce Promote where I teach this live with the most current info I have. I think that'll be Produce Promote 4.0.
It'll be available to 3.0 customers at a reduced cost. It's basically a whole new product that will be taught over 4 weeks.
Your email capture page can be as simple as this one.
I included a newsletter / report in Button 2 that gives you 3 powerful LEAD MAGNET ideas. And in the bonuses are a number of videos to help you get opt ins.
2. You need some follow up emails when people subscribe.
I use a simple 5-email sequence sometimes.
Value > Value > Value / Pitch > Value / Pitch > Pitch
I'll be teaching that in more detail in Produce Promote 4. But the idea is the first 2 emails give value and the ps goes to the product. Then emails 3 and 4 contain 1/2 value and 1/2 pitch. Then email 5 is deadline and scarcity.
Go here and subscribe then study the emails you get. They follow the pattern above.
It's an easy sequence to create.
I got that formula from Gary Cochrane. The one I often teach is called BBDDPP but that takes longer to teach.
The most important thing is that you HAVE emails in the follow and that they provide value AND promote the next step. Spend time and focus on them. Don't just throw some slop up there.
3. How to increase your views FAST, even if you're new
The short version is start putting out "topical authority" videos.
And apply "the treatment" to each video.
And follow all the steps in button #2 to get a solid click through rate.
Then move on to button 3 and follow the 1st minute protocol there.
In the 63-page report, I show you how to drive very fast traffic using shorts, even if you have no followers AT ALL. Shorts are based only on how many people actually watch your short. So you have as good a chance as anyone else.
The treatment combined with shorts creates a perfect storm.
Be sure to put your FREEBIE OFFER in the description of your Youtube videos and reference it after the 1 minute mark, or possibly before if you do it quickly.
And for goodness sakes, don't do what I used to do which is starting off by giving shout outs to everyone and having a really slow wind up!
You literally have less than 30 seconds to hook people. I've noticed that most only give you 5 to 10 seconds. So tell me quick and tell me true or else my friend the heck with you!
Some people say that your first videos will flop.
If you do the above, I believe you can get views faster and easier than that. You have to know which levers to focus on. And that's exactly what I give you in Push Button Views.
If my video is blowing up with views or if it sucks, I can spend 30 seconds and know EXACTLY why. It's not really a mystery. I also know how to fix it using The Treatment.
Why I Hope You Join Me In Produce Promote 3.0
And How It's the Perfect Next Step From Push Button Views.
The theme of Produce Promote 4 is low ticket mastery that results in a FFF -- Full Force Funnel.
Other products only teach how to do a $5 or $27 product. But I'll be teaching free, $27 and $97, so you have a full force funnel.
You have a free product to get people into the funnel (This is NOT the usual method that I'll be teaching. It's NOT your usual lead magnet.) This is more effective. Then we have a $27 and $97 for the OTO's.
Or you can sell them as stand alone product.
It's a PERFECT FUNNEL to promote using your Youtube skills because you can offer the free product and they slide right into your upsells or OTO's for fast sales.
Then you'll also have your email follow up.
BOOM! Can you say M-O-N-E-T-I-Z-E-D?
In the meantime, if you haven't gotten on my MMM newsletter, or you quit for some reason, I encourage you to be on it. It's my weekly hotfeed of the latest scoop.
All my main products are here. I call it the Kitchen Sink page because it has everything but the kitchen sink.
Listen, I know I promote a lot of offers. But I really, really strive to provide REAL value that takes you to the next level.
The reason I promote a lot offers is I mostly focus on sub $500 offers. And even then most are under $100.
If I focused on $1,000 to $5,000 offers, I wouldn't come out with many new products. The thing is, I prefer for the most part selling lower tickets and what I call MID tickets.
Mid tickets are over $100.
But I personally enjoy being a Prolific Product Producer and Promoter. And if that's the path you want to be on too, then I invite you to:
1. Take action on Push Button Views starting asap.
2. Join me in Produce Promote 4, so you can go down the path of being a Prolific Powerful Product Producer and Promoter also.
I want you to know I care about your success.
A lot of people do this business and have no passion for marketing. When the market dried up they went on to crypto, agency businesses or goodness knows what else.
I love the direct response marketing info business. And I care about the success of my customers. And do everything I can to give you an advantage in the marketplace and tip the odds in your favor.
Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders
PS: If you haven't checked out the videos on my Youtube channel, be sure to watch the ones on the LIVE tab and the newest one on the videos tab. Tell you a little secret. I took the transcript from one of the videos, stuck it into A.I. and had AI rewrite it as a blog post.
It's the latest post on You can probably do that with ChatGPT. I haven't tried. I used an AI tool called RightBlogger to do it. It's very simple to use.
PS #2: And if you didn't watch my demo of how to get your list of keywords, video titles and talking points for the whole year in a few minutes, go here. The A.I. tool I used is demonstrated in the Friday seminar. The recording is on button 1.
PS #3: This letter is what my mentor, Lew Williams, God rest his soul, called a "stick letter." He learned it from the legend Thomas Hall. No one does stick letters anymore. But they're a great value to your customers. And they're one of the things you'll learn how to do in Produce Promote 4.0.
By the way, Lew was one of the founders of Rockabilly music. He actually performed in Vegas about 5 years before God took him home. His most famous song was called Cat Talk.