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If You Want to Suck Opt Ins Out Of Youtube On a Daily Basis, Then Read This Stinkin' Letter ...  
(I swear on a stack of Gary Halbert newsletters you CAN get views and opt ins...and I'll PROVE it with case studies)

Get Push Button Views BEFORE
Will Get My NEW
2-hour seminar Bonus:
"The 11 Forbidden Secrets of Getting
Views, Opt-ins and Sales from Youtube"

at 12:00 PM

The Promise: Step-by-step push button system makes getting views and opt-ins on your Youtube channel into a virtual no-brainer.

The Uniqueness: You will get views, opt-ins and build your email list -- guaranteed. You will do that faster, simpler, easier and cheaper than with any other alternative. Period.

The Guarantee: Click the buttons. Follow the step-by-step screen caps and videos. You will get "views" and results -- or your money back -- and you keep ALL my bonuses just for giving it a shot. Plus, you also get my super bold QUADRUPLE-your-credits back guarantee.

The Credibility: Based on hard core research of 600+ top Youtube channels. And my own results on my thriving channel.

The 6 Bonuses: You'll get a chance to grab 6 bonuses worth MANY TIMES the cost of Push Button Views!

Affiliate Program: Pays out 50% on all sales, up to 80%!

LIVE training Thursday 5 EST

Here are 12 hand-picked bonuses to help you get eyeballs on your videos, get opt ins and make sales: (These are goodies)          

12. WARNING: Don't do THESE 4 things or your YT channel could get deleted!
11. NEW Copy THIS website strategy to potentially get 1,000 leads EVERY month
10. NEW: How to create your first opt in list using a simple freebie
9. NEW: How to use your an email list to turn customers into a fan club
8. NEW: Wanna build your list fast in 2024 as a beginner? The ultimate guide
7. NEW: Her EXACT formula for making money from the Tube (great vid)
6. Case study of getting 400 email subscribers a month from Youtube
5. 48,000 email subscribers a month from Youtube (result not typical)

4. Full beginner tutorials on how to start your Youtube channel
4. Email list building series, including how to get your first 100 email subs
3. How to create outlines for Youtube videos
2. Must know trick for adding clickable links in your description
1. How to get your first 1,000 email subscribers

As always results aren't typical not indicative of average results. 48,000 opt ins is an insane result but it is possible.

Dear Friend,

It's true.

People are getting 100 opt ins in a day.

400 in a up to 48,000 in a month.

And the money is in the list. So build your list. Make sales. It's marketing 101.

Almost NO ONE is telling you these secrets because they're saving them for the big ticket coaching program. So I hunkered down hard for a full month and did the research I've been famous for since 1997.

What I discovered SHOCKED me. It blew my mind. And while their results aren't indicative of average or typical, they prove how possible it truly is when you know the real secrets that I'm revealing.

I put all my secrets and my incredible mind-blowing new research into Push Button Views.

You start with the first button.

You click on it.

You follow the simple, easy steps.

Then you go to button two. And button three.

Next thing you know, your Youtube videos are rocking with traffic -- and you're getting leads, opt ins and building your email list.  Dare I say like crazy?

It's called point-and-click Youtube views generation.  And it could be destined to become the latest rage to hit Internet marketing.  Why?  Because you don't have to wade through videos that drone on and on or read thousands of pages of information..  Instead, you just click the three buttons and follow the simple, easy steps.

By the way, I have a real business and I've been doing this full time since 1996. I have a support desk so if you have problems or questions you can get help from us here.

If you're tired of reading reams of information that is difficult or impossible to apply, or you simply don't have a lot of time to watch boring videos, then here's what my new "Marlon Sanders' Push Button Views" will do for you:

1.  Walks you step-by-step through setting up your Youtube views without requiring you to watch tedious videos that take an enormous amount of time to analyze, decipher and apply the techniques.

2.  Simplifies your Youtube views All you do is click and follow the instructions.  You don't have to try to figure out what's next.  You just click the next button and follow the steps.

3.  Takes away the confusion.  Every step is clearly laid out and labeled with crystal clear steps.  You don't have to try to interpret how XYZ method applies to your individual situation.

4.  Gives you an A to Z system.  The bonus report covers everything you need from how to almost instantly increasing views, to avoiding invisible mistakes that suck your views dry, to tacking on 1 thing that causes you to get opt ins, to a 20-second image swap that jacks up your subscriber count, to the gigantic "topical authority" secret that is a game changer, to planning out a whole year of Youtube videos in 30 seconds (It's NOT Chatgpt), to the 3-pronged method of setting up tags. You won't find anything else like it anywhere. Just about no stone is left unturned.

5. Something for you if you're a beginner or advanced student.  My Push Button Views is designed for beginners -- but I've included a few steps for advanced students, like being able to instantly tell winner from loser videos, or using a.i. to revive all your old, dead videos.

6.  Gives you confidence.  Push Button Views is based on my latest, greatest deep dive research I'm virtually famous for.  Chances are, you've seen or read about my Four Step System, The Amazing Formula and/or my Produce Promote program.

7.  Visually demonstrates what to do with screen captures A picture is often worth a thousand words. So I include plenty of screen captures and to-the-point videos to demonstrate the different steps, without overwhelming you with needless details or endless screen shots.  I've struck a balance to make this simple, practical and useable.

If you're sick to death of trying endless Youtube methods that don't and never will work... then it's time to simplify your Youtube views generation methods with the "Push Button Views".

Push Button Views is the Newest, Simplest
and Easiest Way To Ramp Up The Visitors
To Your Youtube Channel!

What's different about my new Push Button Views is you don't have to watch hours and hours of videos  You're busy.  You're probably dealing with information overload.  And confusion from all the different methods taught by more gurus than you shake a stick at.

My goal from day one when I launched The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy was to make your products and services sell like crazy.  And it still is.

The Amazing Formula was arguably the very first 100% digitally delivered ebook sold on Internet marketing to my knowledge.  I've sold thousands of copies of it.  Since then, 203,000 ebooks have been published and promoted on the subject, more or less.  (I typed "ebook Internet marketing" in Google.)  Not only that, I've created and rolled out 20 products and survived in this business since launching The Amazing Formula.   I'm not a "one-hit-wonder."  I have not dried up and blown away like others.  Nor did I spring up yesterday without credentials and proclaim myself an expert.  I wrote sales letters full time for a living prior to Internet marketing -- and was highly compensated for doing so.

Anyway, the problem is information overload.  There are so many systems, ebooks and sites with so much information, I believe you could spend the rest of your LIFE reading all the books and trying to come up with a practical plan of action!

Forget all that.  Can you point?  Can you click?  Can you follow simple step 1, 2, 3 instructions?

Because that's all there is. Three Buttons to click on. Follow the steps. And BOOM! You have more views -- or you don't pay me and you keep your bonuses for trying. Your goal is to make money and sell your products and services.  Not become a marketing professor.  Right?  OK then. Let's get your show on the road.

The New "Push Button Views" Turns Getting Youtube Views into a Virtual No-Brainer!

Each of the 3 buttons on my new Push Button Views links to a set of steps. Following the steps is practically a no-brainer.  Each step is clearly labeled with step-by-stepnumbers.  And many steps are illustrated with screen captures or to-the-point videos. Plus, with each main step I've provided additional videos and resources to make your life easy!

Push Button Views is the ultimate step-by-step guide. It is not software, but it does show you how to access free software to help you get more views.

Your goal is to create an ongoing stream of traffic to your sales pages, landing pages, affiliate pre-sell page, blogs or mini sites.  Not become a professional Youtuber.  Right?  OK then. Let's get your show on the road.

4 Key Differences Separate
The Push Button Views
From Other Solutions!

There are 4 important differences
with Push Button Views

You point, click and follow the steps labelled by the big blue numbers.

No need to read volumes of information here.  Follow the step-by-step numbers and look at the pictures.  All important points are illustrated with screen captures. And you get videos and extra resources as needed.

In my special bonus report, you'll get an A to Z system that covers everything.

I give you a simple step that gets you opt ins from your Youtube views (and it's NOT putting a link in the description), having a.i. instantly tell you if your video is a winner or a loser (no split tests needed), planning a whole year of Youtube videos in 30 seconds, knowing the secret of how you get topical authority, the simple way to get a high clickthrough rate, so Youtube sends you more views (my video today has a 12.3% ctr which is awesome), and much more.

You get a simple, practical system for marketers that does NOT try to turn you into a pro Youtuber.

The goal of Push Button Views is to get you views (obviously) and to build your email list. The goal is NOT to turn you into Mr. Beast or to get you a gazillion views. It's to get you targeted views by your exact potential buyers who then go on to get on your email list. Quality over quantity is our motto. We'd rather have 100 laser-targeted views with a good potential to opt in than 10,000 random views that aren't our ideal customers.

The MAIN thing is, if you follow the steps, you WILL get view and opt ins -- guaranteed, or you don't pay and you keep ALL the bonuses!

Here's the deal:  I'm all about VIEWS and opt ins to build your email list.When you get a "view" it means you get something done or accomplished that you were struggling with or were stopped by before.  The whole goal of Push Button Views is to get you taking bite-sized steps that get you VIEWS and opt ins.

And these views and opt ins will fuel your motivation and drive to do more. Why?  Because you aren't just reading.  You're doing. You're getting stuff set up. Stuff done. And you're getting views.

And while I don't represent that the average buyer can or will get views, because I have no control over who buys or what they do, I DO guarantee your money back if you don't get views.  Fair enough?

Here are just a few of the goodies
included in Push Button Views

• How to test your video and instantly know if it's a winner or a loser.

• How to boost your "views per hour" just by doing this one thing

• Wow! Tack on this one thing and get leads, opt-ins and sales (No, it's NOT the description. It's something else I don't see anyone doing...shhhhh, it's a secret)

• The 20-second change to your Youtube channel that will get you more subscribers to your channel! (So brilliant you'll kick yourself for NOT doing it sooner...but you'll look like a genius when you do it for your friend's channels)

• The one thing that is scientifically proven to increase clicks on your videos by 75% (I goofed this one up because I didn't understand it). Your competitors will scratch their heads when they see your views going up all of a sudden.

• This darned new a.i. will spit out a whole year of Youtube video titles for you WITH "topical authority," keyword phrase, and title in 14 seconds -- for FREE. (And NO, it's NOT ChatGPT...I'd never heard of this one. It's crazy good).

Tell all those stuffy head, full-of-themselves experts to *(##) it where the sun don't shine because you're going to know the only 2 things that matter on your Youtube views as far as getting views and opt ins.

Why sheer number of views doesn't matter. Get this right, and you'll get optins, leads and build your list with ease. Get it wrong and you'll be horribly frustrated.

• The gigantic "topical authority" secret no one ever explained to me. Once you know this, it'll be all crystal why you don't have jack for views. (And you'll know exactly how to fix it, so you'll be happier than a lark).

• No more getting fooled by smoke and mirrors. You'll know what to do, how to do it, why to do it, and what the plan is going forward.

• PDF guide gives you fantastic hooks, thumbnails, titles and more.

• Do "cringe" Youtube thumbnails get more or less views? (The truth is based on in-depth research, not opinion. And it will really surprise you).

• 4 things that will get you banned from Youtube (I had no clue about one of these!)

• Can you spot the bonehead mistake I made on my thumbnails? (You WILL after you read THIS. And you won't make the same mistake).

• Should your thumbnail images have text on the left or right. Why?

• Is it OK to take thumbnail pictures with a webcam (or must you use a smart phone?) The truth.

You know those thumbnails that have a glow around the image or face? Should you use a glow or no? If yes, how do you do it for free? If no, what should you do instead?

• How to use A.I. to create your video outline for you (NOT ChatGPT but THIS a.i. tool).

• Your keyword should be in the first 24 words of your video description, then 4 times in the first 250 words. True or false?

• The one thing you can do in the first 10 seconds to get people to keep watching your video. (And no, it's NOT asking people to watch to the end).

• The scoop on which colors will get you more views on your videos -- and the color scheme to avoid at all costs.

I'm hoping that BY NOW you realize my new Push Button Views is worth every penny of the one time low price, and more.  But perhaps you haven't heard of me and you wonder what right I have to produce Push Button Views.  I apologize for the self aggrandizement. But it is necessary to demonstrate the credibility I have for coming out with a product such as this.

I realize that you may not know me. But I've been doing this full time since 1997. And it's my goal to help others be able to quit their jobs and go full time. And to help those who are full time get superior results from their marketing.

Why Push Button Views
Is Worth Much More!

I can't possibly even tell you how much time, energy and research I've put into creating Push Button Views.  At my $1,000 per hour consulting rate, (yes, I DO get paid that), I've probably put $100,000 of my time into researching and creating the product. Just one idea, trick or secret could easily pay for it.

Push Button Views
Works For Me And People All Over the World...
Including YOUR Competitors!

You Get Push Button Views With 6 Bonuses,
Plus a 100% Risk Free Money Back Guarantee and
A 70% Affiliate Payout Commissions
--All Backed By The Credibility of Marlon Sanders
Who Has A Thriving Youtube Channel
Using The Same Views and Optins Formula
Being Revealed To You!

In summary, here's what you get
in Push Button Views:

OneStep-by-step p point-and-click system makes getting views and opt-ins on your Youtube channel into a virtual no-brainer

TwoSix bonuses that make getting views and opt-ins on Youtube faster, simpler and easier than ever before.

Three: You get step-by-step instructions on what to do and how to do it, all including visual "step one do this, step two do that" screen captures and videos.

Most other products on getting Youtube views are all videos, but the Push Button Views relies mostly on step-by step-numbers with screen caps because we find they are a lot faster and easier to follow.

Of course, we also support them with videos. But the product isn't video heavy so there's not a lot of "rewinding" or "pausing" while you try to catch up. You can stay right on track every step of the way with the written text and screen captures.

FourThe main thing is you follow the steps, you will get Youtube views and opt-ins to your email list. It's virtually inevitable! Just click the button one, and do what you see on the page. Then go to button two and trhee. As you go through the steps, right in front of your eyes you'll see your Youtube channel coming to life!

What you end up with is people going to your email capture page and joining your email list, so you can send out emails and make sales. The end result is getting sales.

FiveThe affiliate program pays out 50% commission. Make 2 sales and your copy of Push Button Views is virtually free. Plus - you can earn up to 80% commission!

I Guarantee You WILL Get Views & Opt Ins
or You Get 100% Of Your Money Back

I'm NOT going to turn you into a design professional overnight. I won't be teaching you every trick in the book for sales pages. I won't provide free software support and be your answer machine for any design or software question you have.

Here's what I DO guarantee this:

1. You will get better results than you would without the Push Button Views system

2. You WILL not what causes your videos to get or not get views. And how to fix it.

3. You will NOT be crossing your fingers hoping you got lucky and score some views

4. You WILL know exactly what to say, when, where and how in order to get opt ins and build your list.

I absolutely, unequivocally guarantee the above 4 factors, or I'll refund every penny of your money within the first 7 days. This is an unconditional, satisfaction guarantee.

If for any reason you're not 100% thrilled and delighted with the Push Button Views, we'll give you every PENNY of your money back. That's how confident I am that you'll love the Design Dashboard.

Having said that, as with ALL my products, I do not represent you will experience profits as I have nor that the typical or ordinary buyer of this or any of my products makes substantial income.  I have no control over what people do or don't do with my products.  So while your income is NOT guaranteed in any way, your money back IS guaranteed if you are not satisfied.

In Addition, You Get My Insanely Outrageous QUADRUPLE-YOUR MONEY BACK Guarantee!

I rocked the Internet world when I offered a triple-your-money-back guarantee on The Amazing Formula.  Now, it's even crazier.  I'm offering a QUADRUPLE your credits back guarantee.  Take Push Button Views. Click the buttons. Follow the steps.  If it doesn't work for you, then I'll give you quadruple-your-credits back anytime in the 3 months following your order.  That's how confident I am you will love Push Button Views. Read the details here.

Just Two Sales And Your Copy Is Free

The affiliate program pays out 50% commission, up to 80%. While you don't make a commission on your own purchase, you make 50% on all sales after your own purchase. And increase to 80%, depending on the number of sales. Therefore, only two sales means your copy is free.  The affiliate program details are in the member's area. Or if you don't wish to purhcase, you make commissions beginning with your fourth sale. Details at

Order Before Midnight Tonight
And You'll Receive These 6 Killer Bonuses...
...But ONLY If You Promise To Tell 5 Of Your Friends!

Here's the catch: These bonuses are only available to you if you promise to tell 5 of your friends about Push Button Views. I actually call this my "advertising bonus". I need your help in advertising the product.

In exchange for your commitment (assuming you're satisfied with the product) to tell 5 of your friends about Push Button Views, I'm willing to give you this very valuable 6 bonus pack that I think is going to absolutely blow you away. (Plus, I'll pay you commissions when they buy)


This dossier goes in depth into how you get views on Youtube and how you get opt ins.

* How to use A.I. to create thumbnails for you

* The top 21 thumbnail formats that are crushing Youtube views

* How to put those hot-looking blows behind your face and images

* 4 things that will get you banned from Youtube

* Complete a to z get started video

* How to make your Youtube tags

* Secrets of writing your video description

* Secrets of becoming a thumbnail designer

Bonus #2: This secret will perform instant split tests of your thumbnails. NO WAITING! !

This is incredible. It's based on billions of views of research. And will instantly tell you which of 2 thumbnails is a winner and by what percent.

I give you step-by-step instructions. It's FREE for you todo this. You even get a heat map of your thumbnail showing you where the eye is focusing.

Bonus #3: How to revive dead videos using A.I.

This is pretty crazy. You can revive dead videos using A.I.

This is super interesting. I'm using it on my videos now. All you do is click a button. Try it out for free.

Bonus #4: I will personally give you a list of topical authority long tail keywords and titles for your videos (normally costs $97)

I'll use this secret software to create a list of topical authority long tail keywords for you. And I'll show you how to do it yourself from now on. 

All the thinking is done for you.

All you do is record 1 video each week.

Easy peasy.

Bonus #5: The Right to Earn a 50% Commission On This Product

You have the right to sign up and make 50% commissions with your first sale, subject to approval.

That's correct. Purchasing this product at retail entitles you to resell it for a 50% profit. I figure I can either spend money on advertising or give it to my customers. Two sales and you're already in the green.

Now, you can become a reseller without buying my product, subject to approval. But I don't recommend it. You make no commissions on your first 3 sales.  Your commissions begin with the fourth sale. This is a sales requirement, NOT a purchase requirement.

Bonus #6: LIVE Push Button Views "Quick Start Conference Call" where I plan out your video titles and keywords for a full YEAR.

Limited Time Special Offer... Grab Your Copy of Push Button Views before the deadline and get on my LIVE the Quick Start conference call, where I'll plan out your keywords and titles for you. (Date to be announced)

The quick start webinars will walk you through everything you need to be able start getting more views and opt ins THE NEXT DAY.

Bonuses deadline: This is NOT false scarcity. From time to time I may subtract, add or change bonuses on a whim. I only guarantee you'll get the bonuses on the page right now when you order before midnight. Fair enough? If you want 'em, then snag it now.

This is NOT Push Button Views is accessed 100% online, thus it works for both Macs and PC's. You'll get INSTANT access.

To order Push Button Views just click the link below. You can pay using any major credit card or your PayPal account balance.


Yes Marlon, I've decided to TAKE ACTION and grab "Push Button Views" so I can boost my traffic!

  • I understand I'll be part of an elite group getting access to the most thorough, up to date, inclusive vies-generating system available today!

  • I am going to get my very own membership to Push Button Views for turning my current business into a thriving, growing, and profitable traffic magnet!

  • I'll get UNLIMITED 24/7 access to Push Button Views -- so even if it's 2 a.m. you can generate views and opt ins using the methods in the system.

  • I understand I click the 3 buttons, follow the steps and I get more views and optins within 7 days or I don't pay. This is point-and-click training, NOT software. (But it does show you how to access free software that can help you).
  • In addition, you'll give me the time limited BONUSES to use-- even if I decide the product isn't for me and ask for a refund.

  • I'll make 50% commissions up to 80%, beginning with my first sale.

  • I'm ready to grab Push Button Views now!



Grab the Turbo Version for only $20.00 More!

With Turbo you get a full 8 weekly issues (2 months) of my Marlon's Marketing Method newsletter which is a $74 value, but it's only $20, then $37 a month after the 2 months is up. You can cancel at any time.

And as a free bonus, you get my Fast Start System which walks you through how to get sales once someone opts in to your list. This normally sells for $37.

Create your opt-in pages, so you build your email list

Set up your email follow up so you make sales automatically, day or night

Kiss overwhelm goodbye. Just follow the training.

Substitute product available if you already own Fast Start.

If you need help ordering just click the SUPPORT link here and we can help you out.

Best Wishes,
Marlon Sanders

CEO - Higher Response Marketing, Inc.


© 2024 by Higher Response Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 11844 Bandera Rd. Suite 469 Helotes, TX 78023
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